Gadis Reformasi
Location: Swansea University Mosque

2 months ago, I was in my beautiful month, Ramadhan. I was so happy to being close to Allah. I went to Swansea University Mosque almost everyday to break up the fast and pray together( jemaah). I was so calm reading the Quran. I was almost finishing the Quran. The happiness was just around of my life. It was my best behaviour month.

There were a non-Muslim group from Swansea University came down to the mosque to break up the fast with us. 3 of them were fasting. MasyAllah! They are so good and strong :)
Also one of them was pray with us. It was a great time. SubhnAllah. Only Allah knows how happy we were inside His House(mosque).

Also, there was a bad news. A group of non-Muslim were attack the Muslim during night pray in Swansea City Moaque. It was according 9/11 remembrance day. Also, the latest one, there was a protest Anti-Islam in Swansea Town.As a Muslim community in here, I am upset and dissapointed for some non-Muslim. We are making a good bones to get to know each other, not to fight and blame each other.

Last Ramadhan, there were around 4o people invited to break us with us. It was my happy day. All my family members, worked,tidy up and cooked for the preparation. Thanks for coming :)

There are so many violent and terrorism outside there to us to stand up. Islam means peace. Not terrorist religion. I was born as a Muslim girl and I am growing up in Muslim and non-Muslim community. World would be nicer when there is religion tolerance between us :)


2 weeks ago, my friend, Naomi, she was converted to Islam. Allahuakbar! She converted through webcam with her friends in Malaysia at 3 o`clock in the morning! She was a Christian girl. She is great person. A girl I never met. She knows so many thing about Islam. Only Allah knows, how great and beatiful she is-converting to Islam was her biggest step. MasyAllah!
May Allah bless her..Amin.

Dear my Ramadhan diary,I miss you Ramadhan. I miss to behave in a good manner as His slave.I miss to wake up and pray in night time. I am so away from Him. I want to get close to Him back. I want Him to hold me back. I am hurting my Lord. Oh Allah, please forgive me..I am a sinner. I am weak.

Please make a good pray for me.
Gadis Reformasi
InsyAllah, this week and next week,my friend and I will start to do cake sale, henna tatto and Swansea Talent show. The aim of this Charity Week is to collect money for the orphan around the world.

Last week,I was quite busy organized the Swansea Talent Show.It was a last minute idea.All the poster has been stuck around the school wall. I would love to thanks to all people who helped me to organized this Charity Week.

Hopefully, this Charity Week can open up our eyes, open the door of our heart, to see the outside there, how many orphans need us. Also, I hope, this Charity Week, can make us get close to him.InsyAllah. Allahuma Amin.

Anyway, during last Ramadhan, I was collecting money to help the poor countries.It was under the Islamic Relief. It was my 3rd time collecting money in public. For the first ten minutes, I was a little bit shy but then, it went off. I smiled and asked people nicely.I `ve been rejected by people but I won`t give up at all. I like that job. I really enjoyed do the volunteering job. Alhamdullilah.

The Qur'an states: 'And be steadfast in your prayer and pay charity; whatever good you send forth for your future, you shall find it with Allah, for Allah is well aware of what you do' (2:110). Charity is central to a Muslim's life.
Gadis Reformasi
I think this has some timely reminders for us. These are good principles for living whether you believe in a god or not. Try asking your self this question.
God won`t ask what kind of car you drove, He`ll ask how many people you drove who didn`t have transportation.
God won`t ask the square footage of your house, He`ll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
God won`t ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He`ll ask how many you helped to clothe.
God won`t ask what your highest salary was, He`ll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
God won`t ask what your job title was, He`ll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
God won`t ask how many friends you had, He`ll ask how many people you were a friend to.
God won`t ask in what neighbourhood you lived, He`ll ask how you treated your neighbours.
God won`t ask about the colour of your skin, He`ll ask about the content of your character.
God won`t ask why it took you so long to seek salvation, He`ll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.
God won`t have to ask how many people you showed this to, He already knows your decision.

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Gadis Reformasi

I changed my blog`s website to because the first reason is my bestfriend called me hamster! Since his death, my nickname became to hamster. Lol. Second reason I chose to put peace because from the peace we can begin the great life.Hamster loves peace too :) Hamster is cute and short.It really suite my physical height! I am short haha :P
Gadis Reformasi

The Ramadhan is coming very very soon.Here in Swansea, (UK) we are going to pray taraweeh insyallah tonite and also we are going to start our fasting tomorrow.

Subhanallah, I am waiting for Ramadhan and I feel so excited to celebrate this blessing month.
Let me give you some lists about Ramadhan.

Ramadhan - Anniversary of the Holy Quran: Ramadhan is that blessed month in which the Holy Quran was first revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In this regard this month celebrates the birthday of the Holy Quran. To render our dues we should recite the Holy Quran as much as possible. During this month, at night, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) use to recite the Holy Quran in its entirety with the Angel Gabriel (Jibraeel).

Prayers: Allah forgives all previous sins of a person who sincerely worships Allah during the month of Ramadhan. During this month Allah's mercy and blessings are at their peak. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said that during Ramadhan: "Allah says: 'Is there anyone who calls on me so that I can accept his prayers? Is there anyone who asks for anything so that I can fulfill his desires? Is there anyone who asks for forgiveness so that I can forgive" (Sahih Bukhafi - Kitab-ul-Tauheed).

Ramadhan and Lailatul Qadr (Night of Decree): Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: "O Allah's Prophet, if I know which night is the Lailatul Qadr then what should I pray? He replied: 'you should pray: 'O Allah, you are very forgiving and love those who forgive others. So bestow your blessings on me and forgive me"' (Jamiah Tirmidhi, Kitab-Al-Dawat). Lailatul Qadr is such a night that the Holy Quran has declared it to be better than a thousand months. May Allah enable us to be the recipients of Lailatul Qadr that we truly benefit from the coming month of Ramadhan. May Allah accept our prayers. Ameen.

Salam Ramadhan to all Muslim around the world.Have a barakat-happy-ending Ramadhan.

Gadis Reformasi
1- Yesterday, I just finished my MAST art workshop in Swansea Museum. It was great. I missed the first day because I forgot it. In this art workshop, the theme was based on "Crime & Punishment".

2- I made a box of heart. I always inspired by heart shape, red, pink and white colors. It does work on me so much. Red made me feel brave and confident.Pink made me so girlish and feminine.White made me pure.

3- In this artwork, I used clay,box, and all recycle stuff. I was not prepared and planned to make this.To be honest, I'm not a good planner.Haha. Whatever I planned, it won`t work but whatever I do not plan, it always work! Weirdo!

4- Oh ok.Let me explain why do I chose to made this box. Everyone got one heart.The different is how you can handle up your heart, to bright or black future.Whatever we do it must based on heart. If we against our heart, we gonna have a difficulty in future. It does happen to me. It`s a reality..

6- And 3 days ago, it has been 1 year, my late beloved grandpa died. He always inside my heart. Even his last smile on the day of his death. His pure face and his pure heart made people came crowded on his funeral day. It was thousand of people! And I never ever forget how crowded it was. Subhanallah.

7- Many things happen in this short time. I just wanna move on to a better life. I just wanna move on my heart to be strong. I loves volunteering work.I help people as much as I can. Currently, I'm a volunteer on and also I am waiting for my application on AWEMA (All Wales Ethnic Minority Association) to do volunteering across young people in Swansea.Insyallah, next week I will take part for Muslim Aid voluneering week!

8. May Allah put all of us in strong string of faith and strong sweetie pie heart :))

9- Oh yeah,currently I got my art exhibition in Swansea Museum. It calls "There is no shing star in prison
Gadis Reformasi
I just wanna spread the message that I got from my Facebook.
Lately, my heart strongly say to go to Palestine. My heart got so boiled when I watched Palestine`s video from the International Movement to Open Rafah Border group on my facebook. I saw one of my friend list called Mario Sasso, who is so lucky because he got the chance to go to Palestine.Indeed, I'm so jealous.Haha :P
I wish I can go to Palestine.I wish I can fly like kite.I wanna see and hear the Palestinian.I wanna capture a million pictures and let people have look on it. But, obviously, my mum won`t let me go..I am her little princess so she must be so worry about me if I go to Palestine. Furthermore, I ain`t got much money to spend on =/ Oh crap..But Insyallah, Allah always give HIS HAND to us.

I still remember,me & my sis collected money in our school. It was so tough but loads of experience.It was great.Allah is always in right side and I was so happy doing this for Palestine.Even thought, it was not much money we got but that`s worth of the experience.I'm glad I did :) We never have to scared to struggle on this battle field. That`s what I believe and stand for it.

I never forget Palestine.I put Palestine into my art and into my heart.So deep so do art :)

Anyway, a good news for Palestinian.For the first time in 3 years, the Rafah crossing is open 5 days in a row !Alhamdullilah. Allahakhbar! =))
Have a look on this video.
Click here
On this video, I just don`t get why did Egyptian riot police attempting hold back Palestinians trying to get to their homes in Gaza? It just remind me to the Malaysian riot police who has been misused by the government. For me, they control people violently especially when they grab women like animals and also when they use water cannon!

For GOD sake, I wish I can kung fu them.Watcaaa! :P

Anyone can give me idea how could I raise money? Could you email me up.. :)
Gadis Reformasi
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Gadis Reformasi

She was killed because of her veil!" These are the first words that the brother of the deceased "Marwa" said upon his arrival in Germany.

The facts date back to several months. The killer argued with the deceased "Marwa" in a park and has dealt with "terrorist"!

The deceased filed a complaint against this neo-Nazi insults and abuse to open public and the court granted him a compensation which has not rained this criminal who is German, but of "Russian" and to take revenge, he stabbed with a knife before the hearing and the guards could not stop that shooting him but ironically it is he who has not been affected but it is the husband of the deceased we hurt! Now he is hospitalized
and do not even know that his wife is dead!


She was killed because of her veil!" These are the first words that the brother of the deceased "Marwa" said upon his arrival in Germany.

The facts date back to several months. The killer argued with the deceased "Marwa" in a park and has dealt with "terrorist"!

The deceased filed a complaint against this neo-Nazi insults and abuse to open public and the court granted him a compensation which has not rained this criminal who is German, but of "Russian" and to take revenge, he stabbed with a knife before the hearing and the guards could not stop that shooting him but ironically it is he who has not been affected but it is the husband of the deceased we hurt! Now he is hospitalized
and do not even know that his wife is dead!

قتلوها علشان هي محجبة
هذه أول كلمة نطق بها طارق الشربيني شقيق مروة
وكان القاتل قد تشاجر مع القتيلة في أحد ملاهي الأطفال ثم وصمها بأنها إرهابية
فماذا كان رد فعل هذه الإرهابية
لم تخرج خنجرا لتطعنه ، أو مسدسا لترديه قتيلا ، أو حزاما ناسفا لتفجر المكان بمن فيه
ولكنها سلكت الطريق القانوني السلمي وذهبت إلي ساحات المحاكم
ولما كانت حجتها قوية فقد حكمة لها المحكمة بتعويض عن الأضرار النفسية التي تعرضت لها من جراء هذه التهمة
إلا أن الطرف الآخر وهو ألماني الجنسية رفض هذا الحكمة وكأنه كان مستعدا له فأخرج من طيات ملابسه سكينا وأخذ في طعنها هي وعدد من الحضور
ولم يستطع الحرس ا لسيطرة عليه إلا بإطلاق ا لأعيرة النارية والتي لم تصبه ولكنها أصابت زوجها الذي يرقد في المستشفي الآن ولم يعلم بأن زوجته قد توفيت
Getötet, weil sie ihr Kopftuch tragen
Dies ist dine erste Wort sprach von der Zeit der Bruder von Tariq Elsherbini
Der Mörder hatte quarreled mit dem Opfer in einem Kinder-Unterhaltung und dann Marke sie als terroristische
Was war die Reaktion dieser terroristischen
Nicht aus für den Dolch , Schuss oder getötet werden, oder die Explosion eines Selbstmord steht, einschließlich der Lage
Aber hat den Weg der friedlichen und rechtlichen Ich ging zu den Plätzen der Gerichte
Als Argument wurde stark mit der Weisheit des Gerichts zur Entschädigung für psychische Schäden, die sich aus der Abgabe
Allerdings ist die andere Partei, das die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit des Verfahrens und, wenn er bereit war, seine Kleider zu falten und sich ein Messer und gestochen wurde und eine Reihe von Teilnehmern
Guard könnte es nicht bis zum Start von einer Kugel befeuert durch wenig, aber nicht getroffen ihr Mann, der in das Krankenhaus jetzt an, er wusste nicht, dass seine Frau gestorben war

Diese Gruppe ist nicht gegen eine bestimmte Religion, sondern gegen den allgemeinen Trend der westlichen Länder und Amerika wollen bequem Etikett der arabischen und islamischen Terrorismus, sie sind frei von ihm

"Elle a été tuée à cause de son voile! " Ce sont les premiers mots que le frère de la défunte "Marwa" a declare à son arrivée en Allemagne.

Les faits remontent à plusieurs mois. Le tueur s'est disputé avec la défunte "Marwa" dans un parc d'attraction et l'a traitée de "terroriste"!

La défunte a porté plainte contre ce néo-nazi pour insultes et injures en plein public et le tribunal lui a accordé un dédommagement ce qui n'a pas plu à ce criminel qui est Allemand mais d'origine "russe" et pour se venger, il la poignarda d'un couteau devant l'audience et les gardes n'ont pas pu le stopper qu'en tirant sur lui mais ironie du sort ce n'est pas lui qui a été touché mais c'est le mari de la défunte qu'on a blessé! Maintenant, il est hospitalisé
et ne sait même pas que sa femme est morte!
" הרגו אותה משום שהייתה אישה ערביה רעול"
אלה הן המלים הראשונות שהגה אותן טארק אלשרביני אחיה של מרוה אלשרביני
לפני זמן רבו הרוצח ומרוה במשחקית ילדים, אז קרא לה " מחבלת"
מה עשתה " המחבלת" זו
לא השליפה סכין, ולא הרימה אקדח ובטח לא התאבדה
אלא פנתה לחוק והגישה תביעה נגדו
ובגלל הצדק היה לצדה, בית המשפט פסק שהגרמני ישלם לה פיצוי כספי
אך האחרון סרב לפסק הדין והשליף מבגדיו סכין ודקר אותה למות
כל השומרים לא יכלו לעצור אותו, והתחילו לרות עברו
אבל אף כדור לא פגע בו, וכדור אחד פגע בבעלה
הבעל מאושפז בבית חולים במצב קשה מאד... ואינו יודע שאישתו נפטרה

Gadis Reformasi

Last week,15th June 2009, my Mexican best friend,Alejandro died in car crush in Mexico. I was so shocked and upset.For me its hard to believe it because I just met him a couple weeks ago before he went back to Mexico. =,( He was a great friend.I was hoping that we will see again.Someday maybe.. Last Friday,18th June 2009, we had a special assembly for him.I spoke as his good friend.I will remember him as my best friend. Today,I am moving on from sadness.I cried so much.Actually there is no more point to cry.He won`t back.Maybe he watching me from "somewhere". I believe, he don`t like to leave me and his family and friends members with the tears.I really hope that I can be strong.Everyone will die.Death is the nearest thing around us.Death is unexpected.

And they say, “There is not but our worldly life; we die and live (i.e. some people die and others live, replacing them) and nothing destroys us except time.” And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming. And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, “Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful.” Say, “God causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt,” but most of the people do not know. (Quran, 45:24-26)
Surely God will raise all the dead. But God has His own plan of things. A day will come when the whole universe will be destroyed and then the dead will be resurrected to stand before God. That day will be the beginning of a life that will never end, and on that day every person will be rewarded by God according to his or her good or evil deeds.
Gadis Reformasi

I just realized, I’m not a good girl.. Lots of things I did.
I cried because I just repeated a same mistake and sin. Im not really sure and I felt pretty blank mind. Weather I’m silly billy girl or just could not bother with rules?


Freaky day let me get out here!

I would like to be a good girl. But, it just so hard for me to be a good girl.The syaitan(devil) always come and ask me to do a bad things.

I know, He always the righteous. He gave me many chances to change. But, I just am being silly and silly again. I felt dump when I ignored and broke rules. Guiltiness, stupid ness, messiness, and freakiness!

Oh Allah..

Please forgive your weak slave. I want to be a good girl for everyone, every time and everywhere.I really want to..

Amin ya rabbal alamin.

i need a thousand of chocolates to make me feel better!anyone?


إن هذه الأمة تبتلى في قبورها ، فلولا أن لا تدافنوا ؛ لدعوت الله أن يسمعكم من عذاب القبر الذي أسمع منه

Indeed this group will be tormented in their grave, surely if he not until too frightening you (so as frightened to shroud and was buried), certainly would I prayed to Allah in order to be presented sound the grave torment as that I hear this (Hadis the story of Muslim)
Gadis Reformasi
Same word in different sentence make a different meanings.Art of politics is about art in politics.That`s what I'm going to talk with you guys.For my art exam, I chose " 21st century celebration". I chose about politics.It is about human being and human rights. I have try my best to described and expressed out my political view through my artwork.For whatever I do, it always have a reason behind.

It took 4 days to finished my outcome.I chose to make a 3d sculpture of world.It is a zigzag world of us.Every borders of wood,every each colour,every each size and materials, there is a meanings behind.

I love colours.I love to combined my favorite colours everyday of my life.Especially-pink & red. A girlish braveness colour make me feel happy and confident wherever Im.

There is no more hope that everyone want,except "the human rights". I will stand for the human rights because Im a human being.

I chose Emily Jacir as my artist link.She give me a load of idea and thought about human rights.She is struggling for Palestine through her artwork.Palestine is her hometown.Also, I chose Outlandish & Sami Yusuf song, Try Not to Cry as one my idea.Alhamdullilah.

I hope this artwork, can give people message about human rights.Yeah.About us.

Click on here to see more picture.
Gadis Reformasi
Yesterday, I met a beautiful girl from Ecuador,Emilia.She is my best friend`s girlfriend, Alejandro Baro Angulo. She live in Manchester for couple of months because she is exchange student.

We went to Mumbles. We took some photos. Posed! We had so much fun. Yeah :)
We had shared some stories. We laughed just like we knew each other.
After we went to Mumbles, we went to Swansea University Mosque. We had a special party for Brother Asim (a preacher).He going to move to London :(

Emilia never had been to mosque. Yesterday was a first time. She liked it :)
before she leave, I just got a small gift for her, Quran transliteration. She could not get Quran in Ecuador.She asked my friend, Zainab to read the Quran.
Alhamdullilah :)

I hope The Quran that I gave to her, can make she feel safe and happy. Insyallah. You always be safe with the Quran. Quran is a Holy Book for everything, everyone and everywhere.
What a great moment. She did not stay long here. She came back to Manchester today. Nice to met her.

In Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look whom you befriend.”

Allah, the All-Wise also says: “Friends on that Day will be enemies one to another, except al-Muttaqoon (i.e. those who have Taqwah (faith) ).” Qur’an 43:67

Whoever you friend, choose the best one. Not the perfect one either the prettiness of face. But, who can be a good mirror for you.

I would like to find a girlbesfriend. Who can stand next to me. Who can be with me to lead me to the right way. I just don`t know who is the real friend.

Dear Emilia & Alejandro, keep and touch ya. Im going to miss you guys.
Gadis Reformasi

Two weeks ago,my friends from ISOC (Islamic Society of Swansea University) and I,were collecting money for Children In Need (GAZA) at Swansea Town.We started about 11 am.I took part as a volunteer for 3 hours.It was a great time.Worked as a team girls.It was not really hard for me,because I`ve been collecting money for Gaza in my school,2 months ago.

This is a step.How we can see and learn to help to each other.Give "a reason" to put away yourself away to help people is just unacceptable.Maybe today is not your day,but it could be in future.Today is their tears on,but maybe tomorrow would be your day.Put yourself into their heart.Yeah? It is easy to say,insyallah it is easy to do as well (=
Alhamdullilah.Im proud of this team girls and myself.We did a good job.Not for ourself, but for them.Who need us.

I think in Britain, most children (and teenager) are very lucky.They got almost every what they want.How about in Palestine? The Palestinian children go to school and the Israeli army gave a drops of bomb!

Wake up from your dream.Open your eyes.

Can you hear their tears?

Human right just for human being! The Palestinian Children got their own future...
Gadis Reformasi
We Will Not Go Down - Michael Heart
dear Gaza,
I will be here for you

By Micheal Heart

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight

We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Gadis Reformasi
In the end of the day,in the end of the year,in the end of the century
People always forget and forgot.People just keep make a same sins and mistakes.Girls and women,boys and men,they need each other.How many of us,remember the rules in Islam?I know the rules but I always broke it.

In Islam,there is so much way can make yo
u happy.One of them, I am wearing my scarf because I don`t think, I have to show on it in front of people who is not my muhrim.Islam tough me, to take care of myself.Thinking back,
do you think,is it really cool to sell yourself to crocodile?
do you think all man in this world will appreciate you as a clean and pure girl?
do you think,how much easy the crocodile can eat you if don`t know the rules?
how many female in this world has been raped?could you count them?Pleaseee..

I am pretty lucky girl,because in United Kingdom, Muslim girl still can wear scarf in school or anywhere.But,some Muslim girl, just happy to show on their hair "Hey..look at me man!"-ups
I go to school without make up.I don`t think I need make up to make boy flirt with me.Ahah.Thank You. I got my own power dignity.I'm not sure,should I use make up when I get marry? wee~ I believe in Islam.

How could I change myself to be better than yesterday?I would like to die as a Muslim girl.I would like to struggle my way in Islamic rule.But, I just could not understand,am I a sturbon girl?I just want to be a good girl. Who can keep my heart near by ALLAH. I don`t want to be far away from HIM. I know, I could not live without HIM.

ya ALLAH; I want to keep myself as good Muslim girl. Keep me away from maksiat( hotbed).Keep me away from the crocodile.Keep me away from the HELL FIRE.amin.

ما من مسلم ينظر إلى محاسن امرأة ثم يغض بصره إلا أخلف الله
له عبادة يجد حلاوتها

There is no one Muslim who look at beauty of the woman (aurat) afterwards he changed the view of his eyes except Allah s.w.t will give to him the sweetness in his religious duties (the Story of Ahmad & At-Tabrani, Ibn kathir, 3/283, Ibn Kathir & Al-Munziri: Dhoif and Ibn Kathir said, might used in the matter encouraged)
Gadis Reformasi
To be honest, I don`t think I would recognize Valentine Day as Day of Love. As a Muslim girl,I do have respect to non-Muslim who celebrate Valentine Day and who gave me a strawberry chocolate for Valentine Day.Really appreciated- to my beloved friend,Diana =)

Islam don`t recognize Valentine Day as a celebration of love.Why? Because in Islam, love is doesn`t recognize by time or place or subject or mission. Love in Islam is universal.Celebrate your day with love.Everday dan everywhere.

As our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon to him) said;

Actually for each group their respective celebration, and this (IdilFitri and Idiladha) was our celebration (the Story of Al-Bukhari, 952; Muslim, 1892)
Im proud to be a Muslim. As long as I have been in UK, I never celebrate any others religion celebration as one of "my culture`s life".Even, Christmas.As a Muslim girl, it is forbidden to "copy"(celebrate it) any non-Muslim celebration .

In Islam, we have to respect others religion.It is not nice if people provoc any religion.

As our prophet said;
if you hurt any non-muslim,it just same,you hurting me.

show your love,when your lover is your care, when your lover is seek for it.Everthing must be from heart.

"Love relatives a Islam like you loved yourself." (the Bukhari Story)

Im just got this information by today,when I went to Jummat pray at Swansea University Mosque.

The True Love is ALLAH.Im still life in here even I made a loads of sins and mistakes.Im always forgetting HIM.But ALLAH never forget me = (

Bytheway; I love my love.I love all my sweetheart. =]

Gadis Reformasi
Im pretty proud of Gordon Brown.He decided to unwelcome and expelled Geert Wilders out from Britain. Geert Wilders is exteremely super anti-Islamic politician.Thank you so much to UK`s Goverment to being fair to Islam =D


Lord Pearson of Rannoch, a UKIP member of the House of Lords (the upper chamber of the British Parliament), invited Wilders to a February 12, 2009 showing of Fitna in the Palace of Westminster.[56] Two days before the showing, the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, banned Wilders from entering the territory of the United Kingdom, labelling him an "undesirable person".[56] A Home Office spokesperson elaborated that "The Government opposes extremism in all its forms... and that was the driving force behind tighter rules on exclusions for unacceptable behaviour that the Home Secretary announced in October last year."[38]

Wilders defied the ban and entered via Heathrow airport on the 12th, accompanied by TV crews.[6] He was quickly detained by UK Border Patrol officials and sent back on one of the next flights to the Netherlands.[6] He called Prime Minister Gordon Brown "the biggest coward in Europe" and remarked that "Of course I will come back."[6] Lord Pearson did not support Wilders' decision to defy the government.[38]

The deportation was condemned by some members of the British news media.[6] The Dutch Foreign Secretary, Maxime Verhagen, called the decision "highly regrettable” and complained to his British counterpart.[38]

Gadis Reformasi
"hye! Would you like to donate some money for Palestine?It`s for human rights" -
that`s what I asked people (staff,teachers & pupils) around Bishop Gore school on last 2 weeks ago.
I really want to say thank you very much to Mr Headmaster who gave us (me & my sis) permitted to collect money for Palestine.So proud of him actually =)We raised 160 pound to the Palestinian.Every little help,could make people smile ^-^

It was pretty hard for us to collect money because it was our first time.On first day,we stick our poster on the door wall in our school.But, in the lunch time,all those poster were gone! Really shocked! Somebody pull it off =( a bit challenge to step on the brave stairs.

Sometimes,it was quite "hurtful" when some people saying NO in rude or kind of very anti-Palestine. Some of teachers said "we have to be fair.This money is only give in one side,Palestine.How about Israel?"
Do we have to fair with someone who doesnt be fair to us?

Do you know,Israel is a terrorist state which is not exist!They took Palestine 1948 after Balfour Declaration (made by British government) which is the reason to settle down the Jewish issue (Holocaust)! But it does not work.They took Palestine without permission and they never have right to take over from the Palestinian.Even,in Torah (the holy Jewish holly book) said,they don`t have right to stay in Palestine (Sheikh Mohsein told me).

Will you allow stranger come to your house and take over your house?If you don`t they will kill your family

A question what are you going to do for it?Fight back right! or just watch.Doing nothing? I woonnnttt! No way. What I'm trying to explain is about Hamas.There is no reason to blame Hamas as a terrorist. Hamas is a legally elected government in Palestine.People voted them to fight for their rights.They don`t kill people like ISRAEL ARMY did! They are fighting till Israel move out from THEIR HOMELAND (Palestine). Put yourself into their situation.Could you calculate back how many children KILLED by Israel army?how many women they have been raped?How many men they have been rude and killed them?

And do you know how ISRAEL ARMY killed the leader of HAMAS?He was assassinated by an Israeli helicopter gunship in 2004.[6] His killing, in an attack that claimed the lives of as many as nine bystanders, precipitated much criticism of Israel, and many observers suggested that the act would negatively impact the peace process. 200,000 Palestinians attended his funeral procession (by ISRAEL ARMY) after he finish his pray in very early morning in the mosque(in Palestine).His body exploded but his face was smile.He is Sheikh Ahmad Yassin

Have you heard about Shabra and Shatila?It was a same holocaust to Palestinian(especially Muslim).Could you understand how hurting they are?Could you see how strong their heart to fight for their right? The Children of Gaza have their own future.But ISRAEL just love to kill and be a killer.

I`m collecting money in the name of human rights.It`s only aliens or animal could not understand about HUMAN RIGHTS.
I`m so happy what we had done for the Palestinian.We went to the "Palestinian Meeting" at Unitarian Church,Swansea to shared our mind about Palestinian.A religion or citizenship is not the question.The fact is Israel broke the Human Rights and please "stop the war".

Also,we went to the Protest in London. I shouted very loud.I lose my voice.But I know, I wont be a loser.I'm in the right place.Im not alone.We are standing in one world in one heart.

I know some people judged me(When Im collecting money) because IM A MUSLIM. Is there any problems with ISLAM? Is there any terrorist supported by ISLAM?

dONt judge the religiOn because of the wrong Does
Have a look back,who is the real terrorist!Who make up Islam is the terrorist? WHO IS THE BEST KILLER OF THIS WORLD?

Im proud of myself because I know,what Im doing is not for myself but for us.If you love peace, you wont chose war as your life even on your screen tv.Think before you do something =)
Before I leave you, I leave some video form youtube. The Turkish Prime Minister has been so braved to answer back( Palestinian Issue) the Israel Prime Minister.Really proud of him!

Gadis Reformasi
sometimes people just watch the war.
sometimes people just don`t care
could we just watch this war?
could we just fight for the human right?

have a look to those devil.
they just love to be a clown infront of the stage in this life.
aha. stop being silly and evil.
i just really hate the ISRAELI.
i wont hate any Jews who support the PALESTINIAN.

thanks to Jews who gve the support to the PALESTINIAN.
i hope that,people can understand and think about this.
tHE war is never can solve the problems.
Bytheway...I got something to tell you..
Im really proud with this guy,Muntadar.When Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi heaved his two shoes at the head of President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad, he did something that the White House press corps should have done years ago.

welldone Muntadar! That`s really brave!

Anyway,in the end,I just want let you know all following brands,is support the ISRAELI .And if we support those brands,we just give the money to kill the people around this world!

  1. Boss
  2. Danone
  3. Carefour
  4. CK
  5. Banana Republic
  6. Giorgio Armani
  7. Starbuck
  8. Loreal
  9. Mark & Spencer
  10. Nestle
  11. Maggi
  12. Maybelline
  13. Kleenex
  14. Tommy Hilfiger
  15. Kit Kat
  16. jOHNson & Johnson
  17. Sara Lee
  18. Revlon
  19. Kotex
  20. Huggies
  21. Dr Pepper
  22. Fanta
  23. Sprite
  24. Time
  25. CNN
  26. Nokia
  27. SKY
  28. National Geography
  29. Mc DOnalds!