Same word in different sentence make a different meanings.Art of politics is about art in politics.That`s what I'm going to talk with you guys.For my art exam, I chose " 21st century celebration". I chose about politics.It is about human being and human rights. I have try my best to described and expressed out my political view through my artwork.For whatever I do, it always have a reason behind.

It took 4 days to finished my outcome.I chose to make a 3d sculpture of world.It is a zigzag world of us.Every borders of wood,every each colour,every each size and materials, there is a meanings behind.
I love colours.I love to combined my favorite colours everyday of my life.Especially-pink & red. A girlish braveness colour make me feel happy and confident wherever Im.
There is no more hope that everyone want,except "the human rights". I will stand for the human rights because Im a human being.
I chose Emily Jacir as my artist link.She give me a load of idea and thought about human rights.She is struggling for Palestine through her artwork.Palestine is her hometown.Also, I chose Outlandish & Sami Yusuf song, Try Not to Cry as one my idea.Alhamdullilah.
I hope this artwork, can give people message about human rights.Yeah.About us.
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It took 4 days to finished my outcome.I chose to make a 3d sculpture of world.It is a zigzag world of us.Every borders of wood,every each colour,every each size and materials, there is a meanings behind.
I love colours.I love to combined my favorite colours everyday of my life.Especially-pink & red. A girlish braveness colour make me feel happy and confident wherever Im.
There is no more hope that everyone want,except "the human rights". I will stand for the human rights because Im a human being.
I chose Emily Jacir as my artist link.She give me a load of idea and thought about human rights.She is struggling for Palestine through her artwork.Palestine is her hometown.Also, I chose Outlandish & Sami Yusuf song, Try Not to Cry as one my idea.Alhamdullilah.
I hope this artwork, can give people message about human rights.Yeah.About us.
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