I just wanna spread the message that I got from my Facebook.
Lately, my heart strongly say to go to Palestine. My heart got so boiled when I watched Palestine`s video from the International Movement to Open Rafah Border group on my facebook. I saw one of my friend list called Mario Sasso, who is so lucky because he got the chance to go to Palestine.Indeed, I'm so jealous.Haha :P
I wish I can go to Palestine.I wish I can fly like kite.I wanna see and hear the Palestinian.I wanna capture a million pictures and let people have look on it. But, obviously, my mum won`t let me go..I am her little princess so she must be so worry about me if I go to Palestine. Furthermore, I ain`t got much money to spend on =/ Oh crap..But Insyallah, Allah always give HIS HAND to us.
I still remember,me & my sis collected money in our school. It was so tough but loads of experience.It was great.Allah is always in right side and I was so happy doing this for Palestine.Even thought, it was not much money we got but that`s worth of the experience.I'm glad I did :) We never have to scared to struggle on this battle field. That`s what I believe and stand for it.
Anyway, a good news for Palestinian.For the first time in 3 years, the Rafah crossing is open 5 days in a row !Alhamdullilah. Allahakhbar! =))
Have a look on this video.
Click here
On this video, I just don`t get why did Egyptian riot police attempting hold back Palestinians trying to get to their homes in Gaza? It just remind me to the Malaysian riot police who has been misused by the government. For me, they control people violently especially when they grab women like animals and also when they use water cannon!
For GOD sake, I wish I can kung fu them.Watcaaa! :P
Anyone can give me idea how could I raise money? Could you email me up.. :)
Lately, my heart strongly say to go to Palestine. My heart got so boiled when I watched Palestine`s video from the International Movement to Open Rafah Border group on my facebook. I saw one of my friend list called Mario Sasso, who is so lucky because he got the chance to go to Palestine.Indeed, I'm so jealous.Haha :P

I wish I can go to Palestine.I wish I can fly like kite.I wanna see and hear the Palestinian.I wanna capture a million pictures and let people have look on it. But, obviously, my mum won`t let me go..I am her little princess so she must be so worry about me if I go to Palestine. Furthermore, I ain`t got much money to spend on =/ Oh crap..But Insyallah, Allah always give HIS HAND to us.
I still remember,me & my sis collected money in our school. It was so tough but loads of experience.It was great.Allah is always in right side and I was so happy doing this for Palestine.Even thought, it was not much money we got but that`s worth of the experience.I'm glad I did :) We never have to scared to struggle on this battle field. That`s what I believe and stand for it.
I never forget Palestine.I put Palestine into my art and into my heart.So deep so do art :)
Anyway, a good news for Palestinian.For the first time in 3 years, the Rafah crossing is open 5 days in a row !Alhamdullilah. Allahakhbar! =))
Have a look on this video.
Click here
On this video, I just don`t get why did Egyptian riot police attempting hold back Palestinians trying to get to their homes in Gaza? It just remind me to the Malaysian riot police who has been misused by the government. For me, they control people violently especially when they grab women like animals and also when they use water cannon!
For GOD sake, I wish I can kung fu them.Watcaaa! :P
Anyone can give me idea how could I raise money? Could you email me up.. :)