In the end of the day,in the end of the year,in the end of the century
People always forget and forgot.People just keep make a same sins and mistakes.Girls and women,boys and men,they need each other.How many of us,remember the rules in Islam?I know the rules but I always broke it.
In Islam,there is so much way can make you happy.
One of them, I am wearing my scarf because I don`t think, I have to show on it in front of people who is not my muhrim.Islam tough me, to take care of myself.Thinking back,
I am pretty lucky girl,because in United Kingdom, Muslim girl still can wear scarf in school or anywhere.But,some Muslim girl, just happy to show on their hair "Hey..look at me man!"-ups
I go to school without make up.I don`t think I need make up to make boy flirt with me.Ahah.Thank You. I got my own power dignity.I'm not sure,should I use make up when I get marry? wee~ I believe in Islam.
How could I change myself to be better than yesterday?I would like to die as a Muslim girl.I would like to struggle my way in Islamic rule.But, I just could not understand,am I a sturbon girl?I just want to be a good girl. Who can keep my heart near by ALLAH. I don`t want to be far away from HIM. I know, I could not live without HIM.
ya ALLAH; I want to keep myself as good Muslim girl. Keep me away from maksiat( hotbed).Keep me away from the crocodile.Keep me away from the HELL FIRE.amin.
People always forget and forgot.People just keep make a same sins and mistakes.Girls and women,boys and men,they need each other.How many of us,remember the rules in Islam?I know the rules but I always broke it.
In Islam,there is so much way can make you happy.
do you think,is it really cool to sell yourself to crocodile?
do you think all man in this world will appreciate you as a clean and pure girl?
do you think,how much easy the crocodile can eat you if don`t know the rules?
how many female in this world has been raped?could you count them?Pleaseee..
I am pretty lucky girl,because in United Kingdom, Muslim girl still can wear scarf in school or anywhere.But,some Muslim girl, just happy to show on their hair "Hey..look at me man!"-ups
I go to school without make up.I don`t think I need make up to make boy flirt with me.Ahah.Thank You. I got my own power dignity.I'm not sure,should I use make up when I get marry? wee~ I believe in Islam.
How could I change myself to be better than yesterday?I would like to die as a Muslim girl.I would like to struggle my way in Islamic rule.But, I just could not understand,am I a sturbon girl?I just want to be a good girl. Who can keep my heart near by ALLAH. I don`t want to be far away from HIM. I know, I could not live without HIM.
ya ALLAH; I want to keep myself as good Muslim girl. Keep me away from maksiat( hotbed).Keep me away from the crocodile.Keep me away from the HELL FIRE.amin.
ما من مسلم ينظر إلى محاسن امرأة ثم يغض بصره إلا أخلف الله
له عبادة يجد حلاوتها
له عبادة يجد حلاوتها
There is no one Muslim who look at beauty of the woman (aurat) afterwards he changed the view of his eyes except Allah s.w.t will give to him the sweetness in his religious duties (the Story of Ahmad & At-Tabrani, Ibn kathir, 3/283, Ibn Kathir & Al-Munziri: Dhoif and Ibn Kathir said, might used in the matter encouraged)
Fuh! Dasyat.
Good blog. Go girl!