"hye! Would you like to donate some money for Palestine?It`s for human rights" -that`s what I asked people (staff,teachers & pupils) around Bishop Gore school on last 2 weeks ago.
I really want to say thank you very much to Mr Headmaster who gave us (me & my sis) permitted to collect money for Palestine.So proud of him actually =)We raised 160 pound to the Palestinian.Every little help,could make people smile ^-^
It was pretty hard for us to collect money because it was our first time.On first day,we stick our poster on the door wall in our school.But, in the lunch time,all those poster were gone! Really shocked! Somebody pull it off =( a bit challenge to step on the brave stairs.
Sometimes,it was quite "hurtful" when some people saying NO in rude or kind of very anti-Palestine. Some of teachers said "we have to be fair.This money is only give in one side,Palestine.How about Israel?"
Do we have to fair with someone who doesnt be fair to us?
Do you know,Israel is a terrorist state which is not exist!They took Palestine 1948 after Balfour Declaration (made by British government) which is the reason to settle down the Jewish issue (Holocaust)! But it does not work.They took Palestine without permission and they never have right to take over from the Palestinian.Even,in Torah (the holy Jewish holly book) said,they don`t have right to stay in Palestine (Sheikh Mohsein told me).
Will you allow stranger come to your house and take over your house?If you don`t they will kill your family
A question what are you going to do for it?Fight back right! or just watch.Doing nothing? I woonnnttt! No way. What I'm trying to explain is about Hamas.There is no reason to blame Hamas as a terrorist. Hamas is a legally elected government in Palestine.People voted them to fight for their rights.They don`t kill people like ISRAEL ARMY did! They are fighting till Israel move out from THEIR HOMELAND (Palestine). Put yourself into their situation.Could you calculate back how many children KILLED by Israel army?how many women they have been raped?How many men they have been rude and killed them?
And do you know how ISRAEL ARMY killed the leader of HAMAS?He was assassinated by an Israeli helicopter gunship in 2004.[6] His killing, in an attack that claimed the lives of as many as nine bystanders, precipitated much criticism of Israel, and many observers suggested that the act would negatively impact the peace process. 200,000 Palestinians attended his funeral procession (by ISRAEL ARMY) after he finish his pray in very early morning in the mosque(in Palestine).His body exploded but his face was smile.He is Sheikh Ahmad Yassin
Have you heard about Shabra and Shatila?It was a same holocaust to Palestinian(especially Muslim).Could you understand how hurting they are?Could you see how strong their heart to fight for their right? The Children of Gaza have their own future.But ISRAEL just love to kill and be a killer.
I`m collecting money in the name of human rights.It`s only aliens or animal could not understand about HUMAN RIGHTS.
I`m so happy what we had done for the Palestinian.We went to the "Palestinian Meeting" at Unitarian Church,Swansea to shared our mind about Palestinian.A religion or citizenship is not the question.The fact is Israel broke the Human Rights and please "stop the war".
Also,we went to the Protest in London. I shouted very loud.I lose my voice.But I know, I wont be a loser.I'm in the right place.Im not alone.We are standing in one world in one heart.
I know some people judged me(When Im collecting money) because IM A MUSLIM. Is there any problems with ISLAM? Is there any terrorist supported by ISLAM?
dONt judge the religiOn because of the wrong Does
Have a look back,who is the real terrorist!Who make up Islam is the terrorist? WHO IS THE BEST KILLER OF THIS WORLD?
Im proud of myself because I know,what Im doing is not for myself but for us.If you love peace, you wont chose war as your life even on your screen tv.Think before you do something =)
Before I leave you, I leave some video form youtube. The Turkish Prime Minister has been so braved to answer back( Palestinian Issue) the Israel Prime Minister.Really proud of him!