Two weeks ago,my friends from ISOC (Islamic Society of Swansea University) and I,were collecting money for Children In Need (GAZA) at Swansea Town.We started about 11 am.I took part as a volunteer for 3 hours.It was a great time.Worked as a team girls.It was not really hard for me,because I`ve been collecting money for Gaza in my school,2 months ago.
This is a step.How we can see and learn to help to each other.Give "a reason" to put away yourself away to help people is just unacceptable.Maybe today is not your day,but it could be in future.Today is their tears on,but maybe tomorrow would be your day.Put yourself into their heart.Yeah? It is easy to say,insyallah it is easy to do as well (=

Alhamdullilah.Im proud of this team girls and myself.We did a good job.Not for ourself, but for them.Who need us.
I think in Britain, most children (and teenager) are very lucky.They got almost every what they want.How about in Palestine? The Palestinian children go to school and the Israeli army gave a drops of bomb!
Wake up from your dream.Open your eyes.
Can you hear their tears?
Human right just for human being! The Palestinian Children got their own future...
I think in Britain, most children (and teenager) are very lucky.They got almost every what they want.How about in Palestine? The Palestinian children go to school and the Israeli army gave a drops of bomb!
Wake up from your dream.Open your eyes.
Human right just for human being! The Palestinian Children got their own future...
You have wonderful heart , may Allah guard you. I wish all the success for you and your friends .
Indeed,you guys have done a very good job.Well done![Tumpang 2 kaki bangga]
Hey,who said we don't need people like you??hehe...
Moga istiqamah najihah:)