Gadis Reformasi

The Ramadhan is coming very very soon.Here in Swansea, (UK) we are going to pray taraweeh insyallah tonite and also we are going to start our fasting tomorrow.

Subhanallah, I am waiting for Ramadhan and I feel so excited to celebrate this blessing month.
Let me give you some lists about Ramadhan.

Ramadhan - Anniversary of the Holy Quran: Ramadhan is that blessed month in which the Holy Quran was first revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In this regard this month celebrates the birthday of the Holy Quran. To render our dues we should recite the Holy Quran as much as possible. During this month, at night, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) use to recite the Holy Quran in its entirety with the Angel Gabriel (Jibraeel).

Prayers: Allah forgives all previous sins of a person who sincerely worships Allah during the month of Ramadhan. During this month Allah's mercy and blessings are at their peak. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said that during Ramadhan: "Allah says: 'Is there anyone who calls on me so that I can accept his prayers? Is there anyone who asks for anything so that I can fulfill his desires? Is there anyone who asks for forgiveness so that I can forgive" (Sahih Bukhafi - Kitab-ul-Tauheed).

Ramadhan and Lailatul Qadr (Night of Decree): Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: "O Allah's Prophet, if I know which night is the Lailatul Qadr then what should I pray? He replied: 'you should pray: 'O Allah, you are very forgiving and love those who forgive others. So bestow your blessings on me and forgive me"' (Jamiah Tirmidhi, Kitab-Al-Dawat). Lailatul Qadr is such a night that the Holy Quran has declared it to be better than a thousand months. May Allah enable us to be the recipients of Lailatul Qadr that we truly benefit from the coming month of Ramadhan. May Allah accept our prayers. Ameen.

Salam Ramadhan to all Muslim around the world.Have a barakat-happy-ending Ramadhan.

Gadis Reformasi
1- Yesterday, I just finished my MAST art workshop in Swansea Museum. It was great. I missed the first day because I forgot it. In this art workshop, the theme was based on "Crime & Punishment".

2- I made a box of heart. I always inspired by heart shape, red, pink and white colors. It does work on me so much. Red made me feel brave and confident.Pink made me so girlish and feminine.White made me pure.

3- In this artwork, I used clay,box, and all recycle stuff. I was not prepared and planned to make this.To be honest, I'm not a good planner.Haha. Whatever I planned, it won`t work but whatever I do not plan, it always work! Weirdo!

4- Oh ok.Let me explain why do I chose to made this box. Everyone got one heart.The different is how you can handle up your heart, to bright or black future.Whatever we do it must based on heart. If we against our heart, we gonna have a difficulty in future. It does happen to me. It`s a reality..

6- And 3 days ago, it has been 1 year, my late beloved grandpa died. He always inside my heart. Even his last smile on the day of his death. His pure face and his pure heart made people came crowded on his funeral day. It was thousand of people! And I never ever forget how crowded it was. Subhanallah.

7- Many things happen in this short time. I just wanna move on to a better life. I just wanna move on my heart to be strong. I loves volunteering work.I help people as much as I can. Currently, I'm a volunteer on and also I am waiting for my application on AWEMA (All Wales Ethnic Minority Association) to do volunteering across young people in Swansea.Insyallah, next week I will take part for Muslim Aid voluneering week!

8. May Allah put all of us in strong string of faith and strong sweetie pie heart :))

9- Oh yeah,currently I got my art exhibition in Swansea Museum. It calls "There is no shing star in prison
Gadis Reformasi
I just wanna spread the message that I got from my Facebook.
Lately, my heart strongly say to go to Palestine. My heart got so boiled when I watched Palestine`s video from the International Movement to Open Rafah Border group on my facebook. I saw one of my friend list called Mario Sasso, who is so lucky because he got the chance to go to Palestine.Indeed, I'm so jealous.Haha :P
I wish I can go to Palestine.I wish I can fly like kite.I wanna see and hear the Palestinian.I wanna capture a million pictures and let people have look on it. But, obviously, my mum won`t let me go..I am her little princess so she must be so worry about me if I go to Palestine. Furthermore, I ain`t got much money to spend on =/ Oh crap..But Insyallah, Allah always give HIS HAND to us.

I still remember,me & my sis collected money in our school. It was so tough but loads of experience.It was great.Allah is always in right side and I was so happy doing this for Palestine.Even thought, it was not much money we got but that`s worth of the experience.I'm glad I did :) We never have to scared to struggle on this battle field. That`s what I believe and stand for it.

I never forget Palestine.I put Palestine into my art and into my heart.So deep so do art :)

Anyway, a good news for Palestinian.For the first time in 3 years, the Rafah crossing is open 5 days in a row !Alhamdullilah. Allahakhbar! =))
Have a look on this video.
Click here
On this video, I just don`t get why did Egyptian riot police attempting hold back Palestinians trying to get to their homes in Gaza? It just remind me to the Malaysian riot police who has been misused by the government. For me, they control people violently especially when they grab women like animals and also when they use water cannon!

For GOD sake, I wish I can kung fu them.Watcaaa! :P

Anyone can give me idea how could I raise money? Could you email me up.. :)