Waiting for the exam, is the most "terrible" time! But now , I feel bored after I`ve done my GCSE exam..hahahah :P
After finished my exam, I got a lot of thing to do. I want to tidy up my house, update my blog, write a novel, and help my mom to packing our stuff to go back to Malaysia!
uhh hey! This is unbelieveable actually. I will fly to Malaysia on this Sunday! :O
I`ve been here for 1 year and half. That`s quite a long time! We got 3 year and half left. Well, to be honest, I like UK! Almost everything is cheap more than Malaysia. oH woow.Shopping! :)
I bought a pair of shoes last Saturday at Fforestfach. It took 2 days to choose the best one.hahahah.and.......lastly, I found the best one,which has got an active air and pretty as well..cool isn`t? hehehe :P
Thanx mum and daddy to spending money for my shoes! :D
Today, Friday,
The last day, I went to school to get my artstuff and to see my teachers. I couldn`t all of my stuff. Just 2 pieces of my artworks will be fly with me! :)
I met Miss David.
Also, I meet Miss Tiley and I gave her a present! Hopefully, she will like it.. :) Goodbye Miss Tiley!
Oh yewh, I meet Mr Samuel. He is my music teacher. Not really music teacher. He thought me, to sing a song My Heart Will Go On. I wish I can play piano to sing that song! mmm~ :I
In the end,, I want to say goodbye for my school. Im gonna miss the prom! Oh no! :((