Today, me, my papa and sister went to the peace protest in Square Castle,Swansea Town. It was start about 11 am. Today, there was actually also have BNP & Welsh League Defence protest in Swansea and Cardiff. When we crossed the protest by our car, we saw the police and there were a group of people who are protesting. Me and my sister were confused was that group is "Our group" or the racism one?
Dad holding the speaker with a guy from Socialist Worker Party
We came closer and then we saw the "Socialist Worker Party" and "Free Palestine" banner and posters. Our heart was so happy because we thought, we were in a wrong one. Da da da. Lol.
There was almost no Muslim community. I was shocked and disappointed because I am a Muslim. Where is the voice of peace that Muslim people is talking about?
But somehow, I met nice people thou.

Even though, there was a big protest in London, it does not matter. Even though, I really wanna go in London one, but today God gave me to speak as behalf of Muslim. There must be a reason.
Talking about Peace, it does not excluded any Israeli. There are some of nice Israeli who help and support the Palestinian.Watch this video.
I wish I can make more friend with Israeli. I do want to know them. I do care about Israeli who cares about peace, Palestine, human rights and humanity. I used to have an Israeli friend on Facebook. He told me, his government such a bad one because they are forcing their people (youngster especially) to be a part of Israel Defence Force. If not, they will send them to prison as the punishment. I feel really sorry for them. It was such a nice meeting to know this Israeli friend.
Among us, the prejudice to Jewish and Israeli was misguided by their evil Zionist. Its like a white milk will get brown when coco powder is mixing with them. To judge people is so easy but the true judge we will see on the Day of Judgment. May Allah keep the peace among us,regardless of religion,culture,language,skin colours,status,age and etc! Amen :)