heyyya! >,<>,<
On 1st-5th February, we have a Haiti Week. We started the Haiti Week with the doa (prayer) in assembly. I felt so glad that, I have chance to made the prayer for the first time in Arabic and English even my voice was shaking! haha xDD
We were selling cakes and some other food in library and 6th form lounge. It was really fun,when the boy group made a deal sale cake games. People have to choose the card which have the price deal on it. One of my favourite card was deal price by dealer,which was me to decide what price will they have to pay!
We also have a school collection in lunch time. You know what, charity will make you together and unity in one heart!

There was a girl who did not want to be a part of volunteer because she feel embrassing to standing and selling cake.She was thought, we only get a low profit in this event. But surprisingly, we made 456.61 pound! She was so shocked!
Don`t be shy, offer yourself to helping people, and the most important thing, you will learn not to deshearted! You will learn how hard to raise money, you will learn,to get people involve is not easy! You will learn, people will make promise and did not make their promise!
Yes.That is people.
I would like to thanks to all my family and friends who helped and gave support financially,wordy,and everything.
The Qur'an states: 'And be steadfast in your prayer and pay charity; whatever good you send forth for your future, you shall find it with Allah, for Allah is well aware of what you do' (2:110). Charity is central to a Muslim's life.
Arran,Joanna,Rosie,Nabilah,Claire,Mette,Saadiyah,Tobby,Tomo,Conrad,Ishaan, Habibah,Samiyah, Jasmin,Matthew, Fatimah,Mustakeem and all people! Sorry I can`t remember all of them. InsyAllah, they will have their reward from God! Allahuma amin! =))