Last week,15th June 2009, my Mexican best friend,Alejandro died in car crush in Mexico. I was so shocked and upset.For me its hard to believe it because I just met him a couple weeks ago before he went back to Mexico. =,( He was a great friend.I was hoping that we will see again.Someday maybe.. Last Friday,18th June 2009, we had a special assembly for him.I spoke as his good friend.I will remember him as my best friend. Today,I am moving on from sadness.I cried so much.Actually there is no more point to cry.He won`t back.Maybe he watching me from "somewhere". I believe, he don`t like to leave me and his family and friends members with the tears.I really hope that I can be strong.Everyone will die.Death is the nearest thing around us.Death is unexpected.

Surely God will raise all the dead. But God has His own plan of things. A day will come when the whole universe will be destroyed and then the dead will be resurrected to stand before God. That day will be the beginning of a life that will never end, and on that day every person will be rewarded by God according to his or her good or evil deeds.